Marco Antonio Barba SánchezMexican industrial designer, creator of Bermuda and designer of specialized equipment projects, packaging, pop, btl, etc. Passionate about design and for making a benefit to humanity through it.
Bermuda Seawater Purifier by Marco Antonio Barba Sánchez Created for the over 100 million fishermen who don't have resources for equipment. Bermuda is a low cost seawater purifier. Its design is based on the Bermuda triangle , from which its shape derives, this triangle shape is also necessary for the purifier's efficiency. It's inflatable body can be used as a lifesaver. Its lines, textures and colors are soft and friendly to convey a sense of hope in the user and generates a state of alert, that in conjunction with good hydration increases the chances of being saved. In addition, due to its materials and technology can be produced at a low cost. |
Contact InfoMarco Antonio Barba Sánchez Calle 21 No 91 col Mexico Yucatán P: +5219993229363 F: México
Marco Antonio Barba Sánchez is AIBA member since 2019, with 2034 AIBA rating.
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