Park Kent Mobilyaları Inc.

PARK KENT Mobilyalari Inc. founded to make a difference in City Furniture and Playground Equipment and has became the leader company in quality, unique design and post-sales services, maintaining high product quality and creativity at the same time.
Playground Equipment by Park Kent Mobilyaları Inc.

Loop Playground Equipment by Park Kent Mobilyaları Inc. Along with the challenge between the players Wind Turbine game demonstrates how the wind power transforms into the electricity that is used everyday.Also tells that how the energy can be renewable by simulating the way the wind turbines work.Recycling Bin game shows waste recyling process.Helping the kids to be able to categorize the recyclable wastes and showing that they can be valued again.In that sense the project arouses environment friendly consciousness and sensibility to environment issues.Leads new generations to adapt this recycling,renewing and saving culture.

Contact Info

Park Kent Mobilyaları Inc.
ASO 1.Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Oğuz Caddesi No: 44 Sincan
P: +90 (312) 267 11 00
F: +90 (312) 267 33 44

Park Kent Mobilyaları Inc. is AIBA member since 2017, with 2020 AIBA rating.
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